Official Blog of the Realistic Subspace Hockey League

RSHL.BLOG Scoop: Ship Settings not as advertised

The Secret Changes That The Shadow Council Don’t Want You To Know About

You won’t believe what the weasel slapshot speed is… click now to find out more!!1!1!

Have you been mis-sold HZ Ship Settings? You may be entitled to compensation, call 555-BIGE for more information…

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As some of you have already spotted, the Leviathan’s multifire nerf was removed near the start of preseason in both pub and RSHL arenas.

Morgan> oh is it the old levi?

Azuline> did they revert all the levi changes?
Azuline> how’s he blasting?

A_Pac> is pub old settings?

Image> Are we sure last nightโ€™s game had the new settings?

Nameless King> Hey ya heard the word? Levi got buffed!

At the same time the Weasel slapshot buff was reverted.

It looks as though this was meant to be temporary, just for the start of preseason, but then was quickly forgotten about.

We’ve ran with these settings for the majority of preseason. (The first preseason game of High Road @ Schedule Fukkers was accidentally played under Season 38 settings, which was discovered when Bad News Bears and True Damage played a team scrim the following night.) With regular season games played, it’s too late to change settings further.

The Weasel speed buffs are still in place. The Leviathan is arguably stronger overall compared to last season, as the rotation buff probably outweighs the increase to slapshot cost. All of the Javelin changes are still there.

It’s far from the first time that the ship settings won’t match what they were intended to be:

  • When the Javelin was given double barrel guns in Season 33, its bullet strength was supposed to be put in line with the Spider and Terrier (what we colloquially call the level 2 ships). However, this was done by changing its setting for InitialGuns, and the only thing this practically changes in game is the sound you hear when you fire your own gun, as well as a knock on effect to bullet cost. Javelin bullets are as strong as they ever were in terms of how much damage they inflict. (More details on this in a future HZ Under The Hood article.) ?go javtest with a friend and fire some bullets at each other if you want to see this for yourself.
  • In Season 32, the Shark was changed to single bullet. This was done by a fudge of changing the MultiFireAngle so that the multifire bullets appear on top of each other. The setting to just remove multifire is InitialBounty, which wouldn’t be intuitive so it’s understandable why a fudge was used. Multifire was, and still is, toggleable on and off for the Shark. For nearly the whole of the regular season, the cost for firing a multifire bullet was accidentally left at the old higher value. Any Shark goalie who played with multifire on during this time was costing themselves an extra 54% in energy for no gain.


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